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Teenage Skin - Skin Care Tips and Tricks

Teenage Skin - Skin Care Tips and TricksTeen years filled with excitement, adventure, energy and at the same time, enough to ruin it all "skin problems". Along with physical, hormonal changes which are already playing toll on the emotions and behaviour of the growing teen, skin issues can add to the panic. Skin care therapists at our massage Salon, San Diego, love to see young vibrant smiling faces. Here, we share what your teen needs to know... well in time!!

Acne, blemishes, oily complexion, uneven skin tone are common teenage issues, which need more of care than treatment.

1. First and foremost, know your skin type - Observe to find out whether your skin is oily, dry, normal or a combination skin. How do you find your skin when you wake up in the morning will tell you the best.
2. Once you know your skin type, daily skin care plays its role. Whatever be your skin type, always try to say a big NO to any cosmetics and beauty products or at least keep  them to the minimum and avoid using any without guidance. Mother nature has gifted plenty of fruit and vegetable peels to choose from as per your  skin type.
3. Avoid junk foods - Teenagers usually fall prey to attractive advertisements and chunky tastes of chips, burgers, pizzas, fried foods and chocolates. Also, aerated drinks have an effect on this delicate skin. Eat fresh fruits and salads, healthy cooked food and drink lots of water and healthy fluids to keep your skin hydrated.
4. Daily cleaning - Always wash your face softly with mild cleansers, moisture based for dry skin and oil free for oily skins. Use a mild natural face scrub once a week . Teach your teenager about the CTM routine, cleansing with a mild face wash, toning with rose water and applying a light moisturizer each night to help your skin cells get unclogged and be able to breathe well.
5. Treat sunscreens a must for yourself too, not just for your maturing mom !! Apply sunscreen at least 15-20 minutes before going out in the sun to protect the skin from the damaging UVA and UVB rays.
6. Fall in love with natural face packs and peels. Use banana peel, orange peel, olive oil, egg whites, honey, cucumber juice, potato peels for healthy glowing skin.
7. Treat acne at the earliest  - Never pick, squeeze or pinch blemishes if you don't wish to have acne scars. They carry bacteria that further could harm your skin.
8. Keep your body active by exercising in some or the other way and take good rest, sleep, pushing away your gadgets and mobiles.

Love your skin and you'll love the way it comes out for you!!
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